What is Fascia and Why is it Important for Our Longevity?

Fascia is a connective tissue that envelops your entire body, forming a continuous web with no clear beginning or end. Though it’s as strong as steel, fascia requires time to develop strength. Rapid loading can lead to injury, so it’s essential to be patient and increase intensity gradually.

This tissue plays a crucial role in maintaining good posture. If you notice rounded shoulders in the mirror, it’s likely due to tight and restricted fascia. Fascia thrives on lengthening and loading, making stretching an excellent way to restore movement.

To build resilient fascia and improve posture, start with stretching, then progress to bodyweight exercises and weights. This gradual loading approach will enhance your fascia’s strength and flexibility, contributing to better overall health and longevity.

Thursday Stretch Session: 4.5 Minutes

You Will Need:

• A mat

• A folded towel

• A yoga block

The Exercises In This Session Are:

1. Four points to down dog

2. Kneeling side stretch

3. Spine stretch forward

Please mark as complete to move onto the next session
