

This class utilizes our RPX Training Method to build the foundations of strength, then reinforce the movement patterns in multiple environments for optimum strength and performance. If you want to improve your knowledge of good movement, improve strength, balance and stability, then this class is for you.

Our programs are designed with the following principles in mind:

  • Stretching and strengthening your spine’s stabilizing muscles – enabling you to stand tall with the correct posture

  • Strengthening your core – deep abdominal, spinal stabilizing and pelvic region muscles – meaning reduced pain in your lower back and pelvis, and improved posture and athletic performance

  • Greater pelvic and shoulder stabilization

  • More efficient use of muscles – you’ll become proficient at using only the muscles required for a particular movement, preventing unnecessary load or strain on other areas

  • Greater body awareness – reducing the likelihood of injuries and gaining better coordination.

Other Group Exercises We Offer Are:
